DiloGroup at India ITME 2022 — Hall 12, Stand H12B23

3D-Loftre. Photo: Dilo Group

India ITME 2022 is an important exhibition for the textile industry and thus offers a central
forum for dialogue within the textile production sector with the relevant supply chain comprising textile machine building, fibre production, ancillaries, and accessories.

For DiloGroup this event is a good opportunity to inform customers and interested parties
about new developments aimed at improving production technologies with a focus on

It becomes more evident that the textile industry comes into the focus of regulatory authorities who push respecting sustainability principles and who initiate a new body of laws. Hence all industrial sectors are requested to achieve savings in material and energy. Textile machine building, of course, plays an important role by seizing this initiative and offering solutions for fibre pulp recycling and reduction of energy, water and ancillaries. DiloGroup has made big efforts to meet these challenges together with a circle of partner companies. In this regard focal points of the development work are:

  • Intense Needling

    Needle Module Holder
    Needle Module Holder.
    Photo: Dilo Group

    Needling per se is a mechanical production method with a high energy efficiency. For this reason, the development efforts of DiloGroup aim at producing nonwovens by “intense needling” instead of water entangling, even for light nonwovens made of fine
    fibres for the medical and hygiene sector with an area weight of 30 – 100 g/m². This would result in a reduction of the environmentally relevant production costs; per annum to about 1/3 to 1/5 of the current. Despite the prospective advantages of the mechanical intense needling method over the hydrodynamical, water entanglement is at the moment the most important production method for low area weights and highest production capacity and is also offered by the DiloGroup as a general contractor in cooperation with partner companies.

  • “Fibre Pulp Recycling”

    Fibrous material in nonwovens and particularly used clothes can be successfully
    recycled, if staple length can be conserved in the tearing process. In the classical
    tearing process, staple lengths are dramatically reduced and therefore these fibres
    can only be used as base material for inferior uses in thermal or acoustic insulation or
    in protective textiles, transportation or protective covers etc.
    When recycling textile waste in the context of the collection of used clothes, the so
    called “filament-saving” tearing using special tearing machines and methods must be
    used to produce fibres with longer staple lengths which can be fed to a nonwoven
    installation. Hence product characteristics can be better specified and controlled.

  • Additive nonwoven production

    The additive production method of the “3D-Lofter” is especially suited for automotive
    parts with differently distributed masses; but there may also be potential for
    increasing uses in the sector of apparel and shoe production.

  • “IsoFeed”-card feeding

    In the field of card feeding, the “IsoFeed” method offers great potential for a more
    homogeneous card feeding at the same time reducing the variation in cross-machine
    fibre mass distribution and thus the fibre consumption while conserving the end
    product quality.

Dilo needling lineDiloGroup would like to discuss the above-mentioned developments of needling technology as well as modules of Industry 4.0 applications for further digitalization during the India ITME exhibition. We will, of course, also inform about the numerous universal and special applications of the complete nonwovens technology.

The DiloGroup staff look forward to meeting again customers and interested parties within
the textile industry.


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