INDEXTM23 – The world’s leading nonwovens exhibition

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INDEXTM23 is set to provide a range of solutions to the ongoing challenges faced by the
nonwovens industry. Visitors from around the globe will gather from 18-21 April 2023, at
Palexpo, Geneva, Switzerland, for the triennial exhibition.

With the current energy crisis and supply chain issues still to be resolved, INDEXTM23 – with 550 exhibitors who have booked so far – will clarify industry issues covering the entire
nonwovens’ supply chain. As every edition, the nonwoven community comes together under the same roof during four intense days to tackle their concerns and find solutions.
Exhibitors are eager to display their innovations to find new leads, consolidate customer
relations and forge new partnerships for the years ahead.

“INDEX is an international event where the complete nonwovens and related products value
chain from around the globe converges. Edition after edition, exhibitors and visitors enjoy the opportunity to grow their businesses and find innovative solutions, said Magali Fakhry
Dufresne, Director of INDEXTM.

“This edition couldn’t be timelier, as INDEXTM will be a great opportunity to find answers for challenges such as energy efficiency, and to understand how nonwovens can contribute to the solutions”, added Pieter Meijer, Chairman of INDEXTM.

Sustainability and key topics

With the current challenges plus the drive to find more and more sustainable and circularity-oriented answers, the industry is getting increasingly competitive. It is thus important to stay on top of pressing industry matters.

“As sustainability and circularity are increasingly orienting the way forward around the
industry, we are seeing young talents seeking to develop new products. This new generation is also keen on meeting the industry’s key players, who will be present again at this indispensable event displaying an essential number of innovations,” said Murat Dogru,
General Manager of EDANA.

To be informed of the latest challenges and solutions, and with its vast exhibitor portfolio,
INDEXTM23 will host several seminars and tutorials. These sessions constitute a unique
opportunity for visitors to deepen their understanding of the industry and the macroenvironment.

Visitors can network with high-level speakers for the four days of the show. Amongst key
influencers and innovators covering important topics, this edition will welcome the World
Trade Organization (WTO) participation. Seminars and tutorials will comprise:
• A look into the future of sustainable nonwovens
• Sustainable use of geosynthetics in mega projects in civil and environmental engineering
• Nonwovens as essential for the mobility transition
• Why nonwovens are indispensable in healthcare
• Energy efficiency in the current context for navigating the crisis


The event will host a series of new product launches and display much innovation in
exhibitor booths and through the Exhibitor Product Presentations. This successful format
(which at the show’s last edition saw a high number of attendees at each presentation) will
be taking place again, with various innovative products from several sectors of the industry.
Over 30 presentations are planned over the first three days of INDEXTM.

What’s more, to mark innovation in the industry, INDEXTM will host the INDEXTM Innovation Awards. For this edition, accolades will be given and displayed for six categories related to nonwovens and connected industries.


Attendance at INDEXTM is a cost-effective way of generating and solidifying leads, expanding a current business, and finding new projects and contacts. Maximizing on time, exhibitors and visitors can meet partners and new contacts in one place – whilst discovering the latest innovations, all over a matter of days. With the INDEXTM App they can also plan and organize their visits to make the most of the unique opportunities offered by the on-site activities.

Visit INDEXTM 23 to realize the genuinely remarkable innovations shaping the nonwovens
business and design your way forward through the challenges and opportunities of this
critical and exciting time.
For more information or to book your visitor pass, visit:

INDEXTM is organized by PALEXPO on behalf of EDANA.


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