Arahne d.o.o., in collaboration with Nix Sensor Ltd., has added support for Nix Spectro 2 spectrophotometer within the ArahWeave weaving CAD program.
Nix Spectro 2 is a professional-grade, accessible, and cost-effective spectrophotometer, that provides a new approach for industry professionals to measure and save color data. The pocket-sized spectrophotometer will allow you to measure colors accurately without being restricted to a lab.

ArahWeave is a jacquard and dobby fabric design CAD/CAM software for professional textile designers and weaving mills. The software imports color measurements from Nix Spectro 2 and saves them as CIE L, a, and b values. It enables you to construct digital color libraries ready for use in fabric simulations. Weaving mills have their own yarn color libraries, and ArahWeave has long-supported color measurements in CIE Lab. However, spectrophotometers were prohibitively expensive for many users, or color data transfer from the dyeing lab was difficult to obtain or hampered by incompatible file formats. That is why we have made the direct interface with the Nix Spectro 2 spectrophotometer, so that clients may simply measure the colors of their own yarn collections.
Color is crucial in the textile industry, and you can be certain in the accuracy of the measured colors with Nix Spectro 2. Colors are stored in ArahWeave in CIE L, a, b values, using illuminant D65 and 10° observation angle. User can also choose different illuminants or 2° observation angle. Full spectral data is also displayed in ArahWeave upon each measurement.
Arahne is a PANTONE® licensee, so users of ArahWeave can use the measurement to identify the closest color in the provided PANTONE® Fashion, Home+Interiors digital color library. As a result, while dealing with customers or suppliers, designers can use colors with correct CIE Lab values or PANTONE® FHI counterparts.
ArahWeave CAD software, when combined with the pocket-sized spectrophotometer, will be a vital tool for every textile designer, who needs color accuracy in design.
Arahne will showcase ArahWeave in conjunction with Nix Spectro 2 at the forthcoming ITMA fair in Milan, June 8-14, 2023, Hall 9, Stand C302.