PLEVA — Excellent and easy weft-straightening at ETV Textilveredlung

Photo - PLEVA

A high-quality fabric is an essential requirement for any finisher who intends to ensure consistency in quality and resource efficiency. A particularly important quality criterion is a fabric with straight weft and course.

The German textile finishing company ETV Textilveredlung produces for various areas of application a wide variety of articles and qualities. Their customers are from the automotive sector as well as from sportswear, building materials, protective clothing, home textiles, medicine and filtration. This implies the use of completely different fibers (cotton, polyester, mohair, polyamide, aramide, and blends), different fabric weights from 80 to 800 g/m2 and different fabric widths in a range from 1000 to 2800 mm.

Despite the huge variety in the portfolio, the goal and claim of ETV Textilveredlung is to produce high-quality, straightened fabrics without distortion at all times while maintaining easy, intuitive operation.

Fitted to these needs the well-known German manufacturer PLEVA gives with the automatic weft-straightener SL smart including the unique high-tech traversing camera technology the optimum solution and offers the finisher several advantages.

The user-friendly, self-explanatory interface displays all important information at one glance. This enables to work with maximum efficiency and to react to the complex portfolio with the integrated recipe management for sophisticated straightening. The well-established advanced traversing camera with many measuring points across the fabric width ensures the most accurate straightening. In combination with the fast reaction
time of the rollers, it allows best straightening results. Further on the machine design is fitted to even the harshest working conditions and optimized for easy cleaning and low maintenance.

Dirk Tunney, COO ETV Textilveredlung is satisfied and says: “Very good straightening results have been achieved for all articles. Even in the case of very special fabric designs/structures, the stored recipes always deliver a good result. The positive experiences in the use and easy handling of the SL smart straightening machine (which is in use since 2021) have prompted us to install a new PLEVA high-tech straightening machine in March 2023. We can recommend PLEVA with a clear conscience.”

Besides those advantages, also a positive ecological impact is achieved: Due to the first-time-right-principle, only one round through the production line with the fabric is needed to produce directly the aimed result. This saves energy and valuable resources. In addition, due to the higher quality of the goods, there are no more costly readjustments or wasted fabrics and complaints can be reduced drastically. This is not only good for textile finishing companies and customers, but also for the environment.

More information about SL smart and PLEVA can be found on


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