German’s ColorDigital becomes corporate member of ITMF

Gerd Willschütz, Manager Director of ColorDigital
Gerd Willschütz, Manager Director of ColorDigital. Photo: ColorDigital

As a start-up, ColorDigital GmbH had applied for the ITMF Start-up Award 2022 and was
selected to present in one of the two “Start-up Sessions” at the ITMA Annual Conference
2022 in Davos, Switzerland.

ColorDigital– the company behind DMIx – was founded in 2013 in Cologne, Germany.

DMIx provides a unique and holistic SaaS – an ecosystem combining industrial manufacturing processes and digital product development workflows to an end-to-end solution for brands and suppliers in the textile, fashion, and lifestyle industry.

Based on the DMIx digital twin standard the system enables the exchange of all relevant
data for color and material development, 3D virtualization, and the real-time exchange of
product master data between stakeholders and relevant software solutions.

DMIx and its multiple modules enable qualitative efficiency in collaboration between all tier
stages of the supply chain leading to highly efficient processes and a sustainable way of
working – reducing unnecessary physical sampling while saving time and cost.

Mr. Gerd Willschütz, Manager Director of ColorDigital said that “it is important for start-ups
to be in touch with industry players from the entire textile value chain. Being part of an
international forum like ITMF helps to meet and connect with industry players from around
the globe. Furthermore, it is important to fully understand the needs of the industry. Equally relevant is to have ITMF explain the value of new technologies and to be part of the
discussions about industry trends and initiatives.”

“We are delighted that ColorDigital is joining ITMF as a Corporate Member. After having
presented their DMIx solution at the ITMF Annual Conference 2022 as one of the recipients of the ITMF Start-up Awards 2022 it is important to stay connected. Becoming a corporate
member of the Federation will broaden and deepen the company’s access to the global
textile industry. We are convinced that it is mutual beneficial if well-established companies
and start-ups like ColorDigital come together on ITMF’s platform”, stated Dr. Christian
Schindler, Director General of ITMF.

Information about ColorDigital.:
Information about ITMF:


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