Vietnam’s Garco 10 joins ITMF as Corporate Member

Garco 10

Established in 1946 in Viet Bac (northern region of Vietnam), Garco 10 initially focused on
making military uniforms. Today, Garco 10 is one of the largest enterprises in Vietnam’s
apparel and textile industry with a total of 19 factories. They manufacture and export nearly 30 million garments per year.

Founded in 1904, the ITMF is the international forum of the global textile value chain for
producers of fiber to finished products. Its members are from textile and apparel-producing
countries representing approximately 90% of global production.

Mr. Than Duc Viet, CEO of Garment 10 Corporation said that “being part of an international
forum like ITMF that represents the entire textile value chain – from fibre to finished goods – is very valuable. Having access to an international network like ITMF provides Garco 10
access to companies and people from around the world in a cooperative environment.
Furthermore, it is important to follow and to be part of the discussions about trends and
initiatives in our industry. The publications, reports and surveys that ITMF produces are
helping us to better understand the underlying dynamics in our industry”.

“We are delighted that Garco 10 is joining ITMF as a Corporate Member. Garco 10 is a
leading producer and exporter of garments in Vietnam. Becoming part of the ITMF family will be mutually beneficial as it will provide an additional perspective on Vietnam for members of ITMF as it will provide Garco 10 with insights of other markets. The global textile and apparel industry is constantly undergoing structural changes – sometimes slower and sometimes faster. Currently, the changes and dynamics are unprecedented and therefore an international forum for exchange and discussion is providing added value ”, stated Dr. Christian Schindler, Director General of ITMF.

Information about Garment 10 Corporation JSC:
Information about ITMF:


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