Shareholders approved all resolutions


A total of 215 shareholders attended Oerlikon’s 51st Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) at the ENTRA, Rapperswil-Jona, Switzerland, and 63.32% of the total share capital was represented.

All resolutions proposed by the Board of Directors were approved, including the maximum aggregate amount of total compensation of the Board for their term of office (AGM 2024 to AGM 2025), the maximum aggregate amount of fixed compensation of the Executive Committee (EC) for the period July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025, and the retrospective variable compensation of the EC for 2023, as well as the dividend payout of CHF 0.20 per share.

All members of the Board of Directors and all members of the Human Resources Committee (HRC) who were standing for re-election were voted in. Following the re-election, the Board of Directors comprises of Prof. Dr. Michael Suess as Executive Chairman, Gerhard Pegam as Vice-Chairman, Paul Adams as Lead Director and Jürg Fedier, Inka Koljonen, Irina Matveeva, Alexey V. Moskov and Zhenguo Yao as members of the Board of Directors. All elected Board members will serve a one-year term.

Following these elections, the majority of Oerlikon’s Board of Directors is considered independent, and its committees will be composed as follows:

Paul Adams, Inka Koljonen, Alexey V. Moskov, Gerhard Pegam and Zhenguo Yao will serve as members of the Human Resources Committee. Paul Adams, Jürg Fedier, Inka Koljonen and Irina Matveeva will be members of the Audit & Finance Committee, and the Governance Committee will consist of Paul Adams, Gerhard Pegam and Zhenguo Yao.

All voting results from Oerlikon’s 2024 AGM can be found at

Further information and the short biographies of all Board Members can be found at


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